WAT’SAVEREUSE is an international and inter-regional project funded by the EU program LIFE, led by the Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean (EPM). The project gathers EUR 1.5 million European funds and represents the first LIFE communication project of the entity.
Name of the Project:
Line: Governance and environmental information (GIE)
Awareness of the tourism sector on legislation on water saving and reuse.
Tourists, private sector (tourism industry), public sector, regional and local authorities, national and European entities.
Role of the EGTC:
The EGTC team, as the main partner, coordinates the monitoring and management of the project, as well as the communication and dissemination actions.
Total budget for the project:
1.587.985 EUR
European financial contribution: 873.391 EUR (55%)
Co-financing: Partners will provide it with their own funds.
In October 2020, a pre-financing bonus corresponding to 40% of the maximum grant amount (EUR 349 356, 40) was paid to the EGTC.
If the first pre-financing has been used, a second pre-financing corresponding to 40% of the amount of EUR 349 356.40 may be requested from the Commission, after submission of the provisional report.
The final report must be submitted no later than December 31, 2023, 60 days after the project closes. The balance receivable can therefore amount to EUR 174 6798.2.
Project duration: 3 years
Start date: 1 September 2020
End date: 30 October 2023